Get those sexy dance shoes on, ur skinny jeans, put on ur favourite top, have 3 shots spin around and then try saying floppy johnny tommy hilfiger really fast.
I must say the swedish lifestyle of a weekend pre party always seems to enlighten me to a level of questioning....WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TONIGHT?
Keep your eyes peeled for some interesteing video blogging of strangeness which will be induced by Von Sneidern and My self, as usual should be spontanious and entertaining.....LETS GET WEIRD HAHA!
Hope you all have a mumsfillibaba weekend
Gästbloggar igen ;)
Jag och Martin påväg till Stockholm
Jag, Justin och Christine på Rhodos
Martin får en puss på Paradiso =D
Me unt Justin
Måste ju göra reklam för sig själv med när man ändå har chansen ;) http://veronicamalin.blogg.se/
Freaky Friday
Interesting friday night, interesting people, human beings are interesting. Why should we all have to be normal all the time? Why not jump out of your comfort zone and try something different, try being a little strange for the evening, always seems to put a smile on ya dile ;)twice as nice!/Justin
We can be serious as well
Work Out Tip
Another Day
It's another day in the life of the Human race. Alarm goes off, you know that really annoying song we all love to listen to as we wake up, get up, breakfast, shower, leave for work. Always rushed, just on time, I suppose that's why we call it the HUMAN RACE.
I have worked out a way not to stress any more on my way to work even if I'm rushed. I pick a good song on my ipod, start walking to the beat and imagine people are all dancing like we are in a musical, a life musical. Everything begins to brighten up, even when it's a dull cloudy day, my day begins to really get exciting. I'm begin to look forward to work.
Also if you are transporting your self on a train or a bus, start people watching. As human beings we are so currious of other's we love people watching. So pick some interesting character and watch them, add them into your musical. Create an amazing story of what their musical is about..now the musical starts to get really crazy and wild.
After you have began to get bored of that character, you start finding your self adding more and more people into your musical as your even getting off the train or bus, then walking down the street, before you know it there's people doing cartweeles, back flips, n hanging out of the windows on each side of you all singing along to the your song to your musical, my song today was...HE'S OFF TO WOOOOORRRRKKK.
I beging getting closer to work and then the big finially, I walk to the door and the music is at full crescendo, I stop before I open the door and everybody in my musical are all around me on side to side, in the windows, in the shops, all paused smiling with either on one knee or standing with all there hands waving at me breathing heavy from a huge musical dance.
After that I walk in the door and come back to reallity and begin work.
Such a enjoyable and different way to begin your day haha, try it see how it changes YOUR mood.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh Typiskt!
Hemma igen?
När mörkret faller!
Säg hello till Justin Martin från Australien
Under reparation!
Så här får den se ut för tillfället innan den fixas. Så hoppas ni står ut och fokuserar på innehållet istället (om nu de är så mycket att fokusera på)
Har förövrigt funderat på lägga upp hur jag sminkar mig för att få min fina hy.. Puss
Fått frågor över hur jag kan hålla formen när jag festar så mycket, men det är enkelt! Följ bara mina mat tips jag kommer lägga upp med jämna mellanrum !
årets kock 2011! Tips1
Lycka till med beach 11 mvh Mart
Gästblogg ala Veronica
Har försökt att fixa den fula designen som var innan och han får vara nöjd eftersom jag verkar vara den ända som ville göra det utan betalning. Snäll jag vet :)
Finally made the jimmy nice nice trick!
Det är så bra här i Sälen! Det kommer ni se på filmerna som kommer upp inom kort!
Jag och Justin har klarat av några fina snowboardtrick idag
''I just said watch this then I did a butterfly squashed trampolene 270 upsidedown mcflurry nice nice with out n e board n floated away on my monkey magic cloud after blowing wind through my fingers....so sick. then I also touched a gay goat'' / Justin
''I gonna try This backside ass hit 720 mc fuck flip with chip dip. Puss'' / Martin
''haha did a 540 mc'fuckyeah twist chicken dick...was so sick'' / Justin
''but 540 mcfuckyeah twist chicken dick is so old! u should try the new thing that everyones talking about, 720 mr. whipped cream assfuck frontnailrail! i know that martin can do it, ive seen it!'' /Tobias
classic! // Martin nice nice and juzzy jones joneS
The retarded horse! :D
Nu jävlar är det fina tider i Sälen!
Haj på daj du!
Imorgon ska jag till Sälen!!!!!!!!! Fy fan vad härligt det ska bli att få ställa sig på BRÄDAN igen.. Har laddat med att köpa goggles från Oakley och en hoodie från Analog! Har hört att man inte behöver vara bra på att åka, man ska tydligen se snygg och proffsig ut på afterski'n, det är då man får brudarna enligt säker källa haha !